
the camera in the back
the milk in the white glass
the slower train of the day
the smelly peaches scent
and the rising sunset
the sudden red cheeks
the smile in the voucher
the hug in public square

    how can you be sure
    how can you be sure (ahh)
    how can you be sure
    how can you be sure (ahh)

the smile in her facade
the grip in her arms
the hand on your back
the siliene and the eyes
the sudden breath is in
and the faster glance it is
the boycotted solution
and the faster apparel

    how can you be sure
    how can you be sure (ahh)
    how can you be sure
    how can you be sure (ahh)


talking something bitter to take the bitter out your life
talking something cleaner to get rid of your (tonsils)
watching the sun go up your window
burning your (enraged) bloody eyes

was a night when everything went wrong
was a night when everything were like (shit)
someone asking what's wrong with you
and you giving an irish goodbye

fucking assholes in the middle of the avenue
naked like gay pigs fucking in the rain
alienating highways as your cold roofs
while the sky in the harbor falls down

and you begin to...

taking something bitter to take the bitter out of your life
taking something granted of the friends that you've got
spitting liquor in front of ladies
kick some rocks to the wheels of cars

and you try to keep in
all the teachers
    were just liars
all the classrooms
    were just jails

(of beautiful visions)

all the lost mornings wearing a blackboard
and your lies make your feet guilt
and your friends lies .....granted


this is the first of the loneliest days
and (then) i know this day is gonna last

in da pool of sour genetics
on the blade of wind levels

while the clouds go in different directions
and the mercenaries began to destroy
those little gummies that you loved
smile me while my heart scours

the terrible looking direction
of the windmill in your desires
i'd try to be a gopher in your garden
then a small dust in your air

this is the first of the days
i look to you
like one of the paintings you do
and i regret not to be the reason of your canvas
i regret being blood with the soil

the ink of your word tattooed my arm
but instead is a giant scar of rage
some days you are in the scent of life
some nights you've been in the path

that i walked


    he told me that she kissed him in the new year's eve
    she called me before that crash
    he never showed signs of needing someone
    she were an outsider when i met her

as the love appear some love disappear
when a bond is formed a heart is ambushed
as the clouds roam in the summer sky
my friend have a sun and i'm the ice

    he wrote me that she were saying no
    she told me that he were on the run
    he shouted that they never were
    she slipped that she was OK

as the day turned into a forgettable past
when a lovely sin gets feeded into the dark
as the hugs seems so artificial to be real
as the city clashed with the scar

    she had tasty sandwiches in her day
    he invited me to have a beer before
    she carried toy guns and talked with him
    he kissed her when we sung her song

now we're not friends any more
i got tired of his double-talk
she told him to wait some time
how much time would you wait?


(syntax blocks)

habra que inventar    configure
cosas nuevas para        configure
ver cosas nuevas            configure

    me han abandonado
    malditos sin musica y sin torta
    sin compañeros y sin esposas
    se atosigan los regimientos de la memoria en
    el papel, ya la caligrafia me traiciona
    ya no hay opcion de crecer, solo caer

            en _iertos haciendo lineas sin sentido logico

hace tiempo que no
escribo sin bajesa


su hermana queda con una cicatriz en el brazo
su madre muere en una operacion de rutina
ella se va de intercambio
su viejo se fue en moto        brrrr....


        mis frustraciones

no saber lo que esta haciendo ella
no saber lo que esta haciendo ella
no saber que esta pensando ella
no saber lo que odiaba de mi
no dibujar bien
no ser biologo
no ser hombre (aun no lo soy)
no ser de servicio
no tener horario definido
no decir todas las verdades
no decir mis verdades
no reconocer la amistad
no reconocer el amor
no reconocer cuando debo ir
no mantener una emisora
no olvidar buscarte
no recordar lo esencial
no tener faltas de ortografia
no escribir todas las letras
no habalr en mi idioma
no pensar mas alla del limite
no correr mas alla del limite
esconderme de mis demonios
no haber amado
no haber amado
no olvidar
no darme a entender
no saber explicarme
no ahorrar


espacio insconstruido similar al campo
(que no es el campo)
instruccion simultanea de tareas
donar libros para una biblioteca escolar __
revivir la bicicleta __

asumir que tienes la letra de tu madre

asumir que te auto encerraste
con 3 perros e inumerables cachorros
        (acabo de ser mordido)
(aun no contados)
        me desvisto

saque fotografias en coya para el mundial del 62'
estaban los hungaros en la americana
que es un barrio muy bonito de este pueblo montañoso
es septiembre de 1966 y debo cuidar unos perros

los lugares permanecen...
la persona cambia...

eventualmente se va a enfriar todo el big crush

extrañaba el silencio como un viejo amigo


i die fast in the city
    outside i die slow

musica con tempo de pajaros

seguir escribiendo


    no hice
    solo veia tele
        y tomaba


radio silence

my love has left me
and i'm weak
as these words are written
i cannot feel

too weak to keep going
i prefer to see her smile
i had 5 months to be happy
now i'm just a (fad)

as ideas rush into head
i get sick and sick
i dunno why i'm writing this
i get sick and sick

my life vanishes
and happy is everyone
and me?
i'm sick and sick

i will get well, i promise

i wish i can be a man at 31

i'm sick of being a joke


i don't know how to react
    this phase
i don't know how to deal
    with success
i don't know how to _____



despues de 4 años se llega
    al limite teorico

depues de 4 meses se llega
    al limite emocional


saddened to the point of exhaustion
i put my work coat and go to the fight
the greatest job is cope with the solitude
my mind reels. i have not you
        i haved you   
        my mouth is dry
        and my chin swells

        low pressure points
        engulf my body
        everything collapse
        everynews from you
    i just want to know what to do
    i just want to know what to do

as the year approaches ends
as my heart's getting old
my eyes getting darker
and my bladder is dumped

    i will continue, i will be closer
    closer enough to photograph

        and pay attention

            go, please go



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