almighty: out of chat14.23 aEVGESHA: enter in chat14.23 Sharky: Ent u guys if ur gay rite sick of all da stares n jugmental pr!cks in dis world? 14.23 luce_diamo: T.a.t.U: vous parlez le francais? 14.23 yerak13: out of chat14.23 I_LUV_U_: out of chat14.23 ALMIGHTY: enter in chat14.23 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: luce diamind is she dunt like gays 14.23 Sharky: r nor 14.23 Sharky: `r not 14.23 Sharky: heLL_gIRL: whos dat 14.23 shane: T.a.t.U: si je parle en francais mais tu fais bcp d`erreurs cй pas possible de te comprendre 14.23 ALMIGHTY: 14.24 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: luce_diamo: 14.24 martin_: T.a.t.U: fuk u 14.24 serbia: enter in chat14.24 martin_: Sharky: fuk u 14.24 ALMIGHTY: out of chat14.24 Sharky: luce_diamo: F uckin Pr!ck 14.24 luce_diamo: heLL_gIRL: hor are u hell girl i miss to tolk with you!!!! 14.24 35@_ch0l!@: enter in chat14.24 heLL_gIRL: martin_: fuk u too 14.24 Sharky: martin_: f uck off u w anker!! 14.24 almighty: enter in chat14.25 insomnia: out of chat14.25 Soki: All around me are familiar faces. 14.25 almighty: 14.25 almighty: omg im at the bottom now 14.25 martin_: Sharky: what ever u knowur a bit ch 14.25 Soki: Worn out places, Worn out faces 14.25 luce_diamo: Sharky: the bit ch is ur mather 14.25 EVGESHA: HELLO PEOPLE!!!! 14.26 Soki: Bright and early for the daily races 14.26 almighty: heLL_gIRL: ] 14.26 luce_diamo: shane: tu parles le francais? haahahha ben t`es d`ou??????????????????,, 14.26 Soki: Going nowhere 14.26 heLL_gIRL: almighty: 14.26 almighty: Soki: what was that song name again? 14.26 Sharky: luce_diamo: U startin on me b!tch?! 14.26 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: leave her alone 14.26 heLL_gIRL: ohh yeeeh 14.26 heLL_gIRL: lets get it started 14.26 Soki: Their tears are filling up their glasses 14.27 Sharky: heLL_gIRL: 14.27 shane: luce_diamo: belgique et toi? 14.27 hornychick: out of chat14.27 DJ_CRAZE: out of chat14.27 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: yeh she startin on u 14.27 luce_diamo: Sharky: hockeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer 14.27 Sharky: heLL_gIRL: wel she cn cum up 2ma face n start in persaon if she think she so hard al f uckin nut her!! 14.27 Soki: No expression 14.27 luce_diamo: shane: moi espagniole mais j`etude au france 14.28 T.a.t.U: martin_: what did i do to u dont start *** wit me 14.28 Soki: Hide my head I want to drown my sorrows 14.28 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: exactly 14.28 DJ_CRAZE: enter in chat14.28 Hotlicious: IF ANY ONE WANTS TO TLK TO ME THEN TELL ME. . .LOL 14.28 almighty: Sharky: all words no action*yawns* heard it all before 14.28 Sharky: heLL_gIRL: she jus a f uckin d!cihed 14.29 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: 14.29 mrsexy: out of chat14.29 shane: luce_diamo: ou en france? 14.29 cutie_14: out of chat14.29 almighty: up ur ass 14.29 Sharky: almighty: u tokin bout me?cum on then!!! 14.29 cutie_14: enter in chat14.29 luce_diamo: shane: paris 14.29 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: nah bak off her she mine 14.29 Lil_V: enter in chat14.29 heLL_gIRL: Sharky: u start on luce 14.29 Soki: No tomorrow 14.29 almighty: Sharky: yeh sharky, what ya gonna do huh, 14.30 T.a.t.U: luce_diamo: oui je parle franзais 14.30 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: Hi 14.30 Lil_V: almighty: Hi 14.30 heLL_gIRL: 14.28 martin_: heLL_gIRL: suk my dick bit ch 14.30 T.a.t.U: martin_: hay what ever get a life bye 14.30 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: hay gurl its me vicky 14.30 Soki: And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad 14.30 heLL_gIRL: how fukin lame 14.30 luce_diamo: T.a.t.U: tu viens d`ou?????,, 14.30 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: vicky? 14.30 almighty: Sharky: >>>finding nemo 14.30 Sharky: almighty: Hahahaa u cum ova n ul see 14.30 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: moses 14.30 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: hi 14.30 almighty: martin_: fuk off ya fuka 14.31 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: girl wat u doin 14.31 9090: enter in chat14.31 Soki: These dreams in which i`m dying, Are the best I`ve ever had 14.31 Lil_V: almighty: r u new here 14.31 Sharky: almighty: U herd of the Desert eagle?Most powerfukl blow ur f uckin hed ofbut meh a ent a chikin sh!t so brin it on nop wepuns 14.31 Rulon: enter in chat14.31 Hotlicious: almighty: NOBODY LIKES YOU IN HERE ***IN B!TCH! 14.31 EVGESHA: DOSE ANYBODY HAVE MYSPACE??????????? 14.31 9090: out of chat14.31 Lil_V: almighty: can u help me around here 14.31 Danka: enter in chat14.31 T.a.t.U: luce_diamo: est-ce que je viens oщ ? 14.31 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: get lost 14.32 T.a.t.U: EVGESHA: me but i dont have pics yet 14.32 almighty: Hotlicious: lol yeeeeh and no one is talkin to u , u dessperateeeeee hoe 14.32 sexy_boy: enter in chat14.32 Danka: luce_diamo: hey salut 14.32 Lil_V: Hotlicious: hey girl have u heard of lezgirl if so she said the same about almighty yesterday man u should have been there 14.32 almighty: Lil_V: help u n wht? 14.32 Lil_V: sexy_boy: hey wanna go out 14.32 Soki: I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take 14.33 Hotlicious: almighty: ACCTUALLY ALOT OF PEOPLE ARE TALKIN TO ME IN PRIVATE TO WHY DONT YOU SHUT YOUR FUKIN MOUTH 14.33 Lil_V: almighty: do you know who lezgirl or lez guy iz 14.33 luce_diamo: Danka: bonsoir 14.33 sexy_boy: Lil_V: yeah sure 14.33 almighty: Sharky: hv u heard of a slipper? ill put it right into ur mouth after spittin n ur mouth 14.33 Soki: E me der o seu Carinho sem ter fim . 14.33 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: FUK OFF 14.33 almighty: Lil_V: no 14.33 luce_diamo: Danka: je suis triste 14.33 Lil_V: sexy_boy: where do u live 14.33 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: fuk off 14.33 Danka: luce_diamo: oh pk ma puce? 14.33 heLL_gIRL: arggggggggggggggg 14.33 heLL_gIRL: on guard 14.33 Lil_V: almighty: cuz yesterday they were gettin on u 14.33 almighty: Hotlicious: whats ur problem, got landed on a dick an u are screamin lyk a hoe now 14.33 Soki: Pode crer que tudo bem 14.33 sexy_boy: Lil_V: london 14.33 Hotlicious: almighty: up yours mutha fukin whore 14.34 almighty: Lil_V: i don remember 14.34 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: hay is this VICKY? 14.34 serbia: out of chat14.34 Rulon: te yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 14.34 luce_diamo: Danka: a cuse de hell girl et sharky 14.34 almighty: Hotlicious:hoe hoe hoe , 14.34 Hotlicious: almighty: AT LEAST I CAN SUCK ON ONE YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ONE LOOKS LIKE! 14.34 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: what r u talkin about i`m just askin question and if u don`t like them screw off somewhere 14.34 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: yes u are a whore 14.34 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: get lost 14.34 luce_diamo: 14.34 Lil_V: almighty: r u african american 14.34 EVGESHA: boringgg 14.34 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: it looks like ur face 14.34 Danka: luce_diamo: bah oublie... sont des sales chiennes 14.34 Rulon: EVGESHA: i have 14.34 Lil_V: Hotlicious: good one 14.34 Soki: Hoje eu sonhei com essa canзao 14.34 Danka: luce_diamo: filles de pute 14.35 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: screw urself 14.35 EVGESHA: im going ppl...guess no one wants talk with me 14.35 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: shut up my friend was gettin on u yesterday 14.35 almighty: Hotlicious: lolll ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thts so disgustin *thanks god* im not a hoe 14.35 EVGESHA: Rulon: oh can u give me an adress? 14.35 Hotlicious: heLL_gIRL: GO SKEW A KANGAROO!! 14.35 almighty: Lil_V: are u a nigga? 14.35 Soki: Hoje eu sonhei com voce 14.35 Lil_V: Soki: what the heck r u speakin french 14.35 Hotlicious: heLL_gIRL: BIOTTCHH 14.35 Danka: luce_diamo: regarde son pseudo HELL GIRL... meme ca c tres duh 14.35 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: oh pls 14.35 Lil_V: almighty: yes 14.35 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: are u 14.35 Lil_V: almighty: yah white beotch 14.35 EVGESHA: Danka: hi sweethearthow are you? I got new pics on my space 14.35 Rulon: AT LEAST I CAN SUCK ON ONE YOU PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT 14.36 *~Andra~*: enter in chat14.36 almighty: Lil_V: eh better than a hoe nigga 14.36 luce_diamo: Danka: elle est comme une sale chien toujour la meme music how how how hahahahahahahaha 14.36 Soki: E foi tao real, foi um sonho bom 14.36 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: r u caucasian 14.36 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: yes this is me 14.36 T.a.t.U: almighty: hay bit ch that wasnt nice u ugly bit ch 14.36 Rulon: si je parle en francais mais tu fais bcp d`erreurs cй pas possible de te comprendre 14.36 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: hi moses 14.37 Hotlicious: almighty: you are a hoe!! 14.37 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: wat r u doin 14.37 Danka: EVGESHA: hello sweet! fine, and you? oh really? that`s cool, i`m gonna comment =P when i enter there 14.37 sexy_boy: out of chat14.37 Sharky: out of chat14.37 luce_diamo: T.a.t.U: 14.37 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: where is yo sista 14.37 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: `hay vicky stop startin sh it man thats not kool 14.37 almighty: woah too many ppl wanna fight me yaayyy 14.37 T.a.t.U: luce_diamo: 14.37 Soki: Que eu nao consigo esquecer 14.37 heLL_gIRL: T.a.t.U: shut it 14.37 Danka: luce_diamo: ah ouai? je ne sais pas de la musique que elle chante hauahauahauhuaahauhau 14.37 Lil_V: luce_diamo: you know T.aTu 14.37 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: up stairs hay g2g be bakc l8ter 14.37 almighty: Hotlicious: oh yeh go suck a dick now, 14.37 Danka: luce_diamo: je pense q j`ai jamais ecoute 14.37 EVGESHA: Danka: obrigada la la i know few words in portugies 14.37 Soki: Da tua presenca, da tua beleza 14.38 Hotlicious: almighty: WHOO YEA THATS BECAUSE NOBODY LIKE YOU. . .DUUUSHBAGG! 14.38 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: you *** you shut it don`t be dissin my homegurl 14.38 cutie_14: out of chat14.38 almighty: T.a.t.U: what u gonna do huh, are u a nigga too 14.38 luce_diamo: Danka: hahaahhahah oui la musique de hauhau hahahahahahah 14.38 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: i don`t like a lot of people who talk trash 14.38 *~Andra~*: out of chat14.38 Danka: EVGESHA: =O oooh wow, who taught u that? =P bravo! 14.38 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: or wat 14.38 almighty: Hotlicious: putft u think i wanna b liked by hoes n a chat, plz get a life ya 14.38 Soki: Do teu jeito de me olhar 14.38 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: n ur one of them so handle uo prblems where they can be handled 14.39 Naps: enter in chat14.39 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: hay thanks dude just let it go move on its not worth it she doin that *** on purposeleave her alone okay 14.39 luce_diamo: heLL_gIRL: sale puteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 14.39 Soki: Da tua inocencia, minha princesa 14.39 almighty: Lil_V: now nigga ass piss off ya 14.39 Hotlicious: almighty: oh yea cause u aint got no lifee! 14.39 Danka: luce_diamo: je ne sais pas qu`est que elle fait ici, pcq elle n`a meme pas des amis je pense 14.39 EVGESHA: Danka: my friend 14.39 luce_diamo: heLL_gIRL: 14.39 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: im handlin u handle ur huge blak ass 14.39 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: perra 14.39 Rulon: Naps: wena 14.39 Rulon: Soki: portugese? 14.39 Naps: rula? 14.39 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: up ur mum ass 14.39 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: don`t be comin up with no stupid ass question i`m gone kick yo ass that`s wat 14.39 almighty: Hotlicious: oh boi u what a lame come bak 14.39 Flora_Peri: enter in chat14.39 Soki: Onde e que voce foi parar? 14.40 Rulon: Naps: que pasa maestro 14.40 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: kick it goooooooooooooooooood 14.40 almighty: luce_diamo: kuss imek, kele 5ara ba2a 14.40 T.a.t.U: heLL_gIRL: just stop while ur ahead man u may not like but its not worth it 14.40 luce_diamo: heLL_gIRL: hija de puta tu eres la putaaaaaaaaaaa de 1 euroooooooooo hahahahahahha 14.40 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: i don`t give a care the *** or man or he man thing gone die tonight 14.40 Naps: jajaja wena 14.40 Hotlicious: heLL_gIRL: almighty: <------------- THESE TWO PEOPLE ARE B!TCHES!! 14.40 Naps: aqui en q idioma se habla? 14.40 Soki: Rulon: Que pasa tio. 14.40 almighty: heLL_gIRL: they r so jealous 14.40 T.a.t.U: Lil_V: u dumb hay g2g okay bye 14.40 heLL_gIRL: T.a.t.U: tell um to bak off 14.40 luce_diamo: Danka: la perra no tiene amigas nadien la quiere 14.40 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: really we gone see about that and thanks for the compliment about my ass that really nice 14.41 Dodo: enter in chat14.41 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: hahahaahah go an fuk a frog u dim sh it 14.41 Rulon: Soki: jajajja 14.41 bubbles: enter in chat14.41 Rulon: Naps: de todos los idiomas 14.41 Danka: luce_diamo: tu as dit qlqe chose a elle avant? 14.41 Naps: hello everybody 14.41 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: im THE BIGGEST BIT CH U GUNNA KNO 14.41 T.a.t.U: heLL_gIRL: i will okay she is not worth it okay bye 14.41 heLL_gIRL: almighty: yessh 14.41 Lil_V: T.a.t.U: okay 14.41 luce_diamo: almighty: chu biki inti hia yali btadit min ha2i dafi3 3a nafsi 14.41 Hotlicious: almighty: OF WHAT PATHETIC LITTE WANNA BEE`S WITH NO LIFEE. . . NO I THINK WE ARE ALL BETER THAN THAT!! 14.41 Soki: NO ENTENDER 14.41 Rulon: Naps: jajajajja 14.41 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: yeh its black lol 14.41 Danka: luce_diamo: AI JE VEUX UN BOCADILLO =)~~~ 14.41 Naps: nadie me pesca los maricones del hoyo peluo 14.41 Naps: jajaja 14.41 almighty: Lil_V: yeh ur huge ass that get fuked by every low life , yeeh what a compliment, go go suk a dick an get money to dress up like a proper girl 14.41 heLL_gIRL: T.a.t.U: buh bye 14.42 luce_diamo: Danka: non je te le jure 14.42 Hotlicious: almighty: KAYY U CANT EVEN GET ACTION IF YOU WANTED TO 14.42 Soki: la luna si resta con te 14.42 luce_diamo: Danka: tienes hambre 14.42 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: you know what i`m glad it is. instead of it bein a flat wall it`s round and nice just the way i like it 14.42 Hotlicious: almighty: YOU SO UGLY PEOPLE PAY U TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON!!! 14.42 Danka: luce_diamo: bon si tu dis je te crois 14.42 almighty: Hotlicious: u call bein fuked n the ass is action,puft u must be a porn star 14.42 Danka: luce_diamo: sip 14.43 Rulon: Naps: weon busca minits 14.43 T.a.t.U: out of chat14.43 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: yeh the way u like ur big black ass hey eazy girl in the dark 14.43 Soki: Naps: Tu espanol hablar? 14.43 Lil_V: Hotlicious: haa ha that`s funny wat you said to almighty 14.43 Naps: hello bubbles 14.43 Danka: luce_diamo: ai le jour 24 je vais voyageur 14.43 Lil_V: almighty: have u been fuked before 14.43 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: hahahha it so is 14.43 almighty: Hotlicious: lol hv u checked ur self n the mirror latey? i bet guys cnt look at ur face when they fuk u, they close their eyes an imagine sumone else S face while u gettin fuked 14.43 Hotlicious: almighty: NOPE BUT I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE IM SORRY YOU WOULDNT NOO 14.43 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: go an wipe ur blak huge ass 14.43 Hotlicious: Lil_V: yea shes a fukin B!TCH!! lol 14.44 Soki: tutto il mondo 14.44 Danka: luce_diamo: tu as dja vu le comercial de `Miss Dior Cherie`? 14.44 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: i would but i`m to busy dissin yo sorry ass 14.44 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: yes u are 14.44 Naps: como? 14.44 Danka: luce_diamo: c tres cool 14.44 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: tut tut u cant handle thts why u numb skull 14.44 luce_diamo: Danka: moi aussi j`ai d vacance et je doi aller chez moi 14.44 el_gordo_: enter in chat14.45 Hotlicious: almighty: IM IN THERE MIND THE WHOLE TIME GUYS CANT EVEN FUK U CAUSE THEY CANT EVEN GET WITH YOU CAUSE YOUR SO UGLE 14.45 luce_diamo: Danka: oui 14.45 Lil_V: Hotlicious: yeah dissed them yeterday with my friends on the internet man they were tellin us to fuk off but i couldn`y resist it 14.45 Soki: ??? 14.45 el_gordo_: _ 14.45 Danka: EVGESHA: hey can u open ur myspace? cos i can`t enter in mine, i dunno y 14.45 almighty: Hotlicious: <Naps: bubbles: sorry, i listening music 14.45 Naps: and you? 14.45 Rulon: primero el nick y despues el mensaje y al final control+enter 14.45 heLL_gIRL: almighty: lolllll 14.45 Danka: luce_diamo: chez toi ou? espagne? 14.45 el_gordo_: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.45 Danka: spain? 14.45 almighty: heLL_gIRL: hehe 14.46 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: r u n almighty hittin it ya lez dykes 14.46 luce_diamo: Danka: bien sur 14.46 Hotlicious: almighty: THATS WAT YOU LOOK LIKE CAUSE U WONT BE GETTIN FUKED N DA ASSS 14.46 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: hittin ur huge ass 14.46 almighty: Hotlicious: Lil_V: just one year an u two will b n wheeeeel chairs 14.46 Rulon: el_gordo_: jajajaja wena 14.46 Naps: bubbles: jajaja this is my first time on this chat 14.46 Lil_V: Ty: no i do know t.a.t.u. 14.46 Hotlicious: Lil_V: HAHAH THERE FUKN CUNTS... 14.46 heLL_gIRL: almighty: lolllllll 14.46 Naps: i donґt understand nothing jaja 14.46 luce_diamo: Danka: je vais passer tt les vacances avec ma familles mes amies et ma petite copaine 14.46 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: yeh u dunt have no cunt 14.47 Danka: luce_diamo: ah bon hauahauahau c a cote =P 14.47 keekee: enter in chat14.47 Lil_V: ALMIGHTY: r u hittin it with hell_girl 14.47 martin_: heLL_gIRL: u like in the ass 14.47 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: ur cunt is on ur face 14.47 luce_diamo: martin_: 14.47 almighty: Lil_V: Hotlicious: so enjoy bein fuked now ,bcos after a year, u wont b able to get laid with wheeeel chairz 14.47 martin_: Hotlicious: u like it in the ass 14.47 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: you gay wads u sorry sons of biotches 14.47 Lil_V: martin_: who r u 14.47 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: lolll 14.47 Lil_V: martin_: r u single 14.47 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: oh baby 14.47 Rulon: naps wanna get laid 14.47 Danka: luce_diamo: mais ta copine , elle nest pas a Paris? 14.47 luce_diamo: Danka: regarde hell girl elle dispute avec tt le monde o putaine merde 14.47 el_gordo_: ANY HOT OR SEXY GURL WANT CHAT W/ ME 14.48 Lil_V: keekee: nothin 14.48 Hotlicious: almighty: sorry ill be on to bigger and better things and youll just be alone not married because u soo uglyy!! 14.48 Lil_V: keekee: where ar u from 14.48 martin_: Lil_V:ur lover 14.48 heLL_gIRL: luce_diamo: carry on 14.48 luce_diamo: Danka: mais elle est espagiol aussi 14.48 Lil_V: keekee: do you like almighty and hell girl 14.48 Lil_V: keekee: wats that suppose to mean 14.48 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: yeh go an do a survey on us 14.48 Danka: luce_diamo: elle est folle 14.48 luce_diamo: Danka: crio q hell girl tiene una cara de jelipollas hahahahahaha hombre q le deeeeeeeeen jjajajajajajaja 14.49 Lil_V: keekee: really i am too 14.49 Naps: Ty: sorry, but i just speak spanish, if you make the question in spanish i can answer you 14.49 Lil_V: keekee: wait do you know tatu 14.49 Danka: luce_diamo: oui je sais que elle est espagnol, mais elle est en espagne? 14.49 Naps: bubbles: bubbles, where are you from? 14.49 Danka: luce_diamo: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA 14.49 Lil_V: keekee: really cuz i go to school with t.a.t.u 14.49 Lil_V: keekee: yes 14.49 almighty: Hotlicious: *cries*lollll really go look at the mirror but take the wheel chair with u,bcos u might b a retard n that min when the mirror cracks down 14.50 Lil_V: keekee: wait what grade r u in 14.50 luce_diamo: Danka: elle est encor a paris mais en voyage le 23 /12 14.50 martin_: Ty: ur mother suk my dick last night 14.50 Lil_V: keekee: ah gurl u had me man yo name ain`t no keekee 14.50 luce_diamo: heLL_gIRL: q te jodies hija de perra q guaaaaaaaara eres 14.50 Reem: enter in chat14.50 rONi: enter in chat14.50 Lil_V: keekee: i know cuz i`m vicky 14.50 martin_: Ty: fuking fag 14.50 keekee: Lil_V: moses is my sister 14.51 almighty: luce_diamo: shut up ba2a ya 7mara 14.51 Lil_V: keekee: wait so which one was on first 14.51 luce_diamo: Reem: i miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 14.51 luce_diamo: almighty: 7amara is ur mather 14.51 Danka: luce_diamo: ah bon, 1 jour avant moi 14.51 luce_diamo: almighty: mahadan biyhibkun ino like animales 14.51 almighty: luce_diamo: kele 5ara 14.51 Ty: martin_: my mother couldnt have...cos youre a hermapherdite, a man with a pussy. 14.51 Lil_V: keekee: i know u r twins but which twin iz on the computer first 14.51 luce_diamo: almighty: sharmota 14.51 Danka: luce_diamo: hell girl parle le espa? 14.51 rONi: hi 2 all 14.51 Lil_V: keekee: hey jahmeica 14.51 Hotlicious: almighty: nope acctually when you look in the mirrow with your ugly self it sure as hell with breake and illl look at it and fix it. . . . 14.51 Danka: Ty: anytime 14.52 almighty: luce_diamo: ur mom is sharmota an ur dad is toor 14.52 Lil_V: keekee: well the party is about to begin 14.52 heLL_gIRL: Danka: yeh kinda 14.52 luce_diamo: Danka: elle ma dis deja puta crioq si jajajjajaja no menporta 14.52 Ty: martin_: Tell me where u live mother***er...I`ll come down there and beat u within an inch of your life. 14.52 almighty: Hotlicious: can u get any more lame? and stop copyin me, find sumthin new to say u nob 14.52 Lil_V: keekee: i hate hell_GIRL AND ALMIGHTY THEY R GETTIN ON MY LAST NERVE 14.52 Hotlicious: almighty: i think you get on here talkin all this sh!t that your talkin about yourself because you dont feel good about yourself so you make other people feel bad about themselves . . 14.53 Hotlicious: almighty: but its you who i feel sorry for 14.53 Rulon: i think you get on here talkin all this sh!t that your talkin about yourself because you dont feel good about yourself so you make other people feel bad about themselves . . 14.53 Soki: Ta prakak ezin sartu 14.53 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: awww u talk bout urself too much 14.53 Danka: heLL_gIRL: wt...? 14.53 Lil_V: keekee: I MEAN THEY JUST CAN`T HANDLE THINGS WHERE THERE AT SOMETIMES I JUST FEEL LIKE I WANT TO JUST PLAY AROUND AND 14.53 almighty: Hotlicious: woah u feel sorry on ur self, oh let me call 911 , ull hv a break down any time soon,geez 14.53 martin_: Ty: Ty: why iam not gay i dont fuk guys like u piece of sh it 14.53 heLL_gIRL: Danka: nuthin 14.53 Lil_V: keekee: WHAT DO YOU 14.54 Hotlicious: almighty: cause u cant get a life so you come on here actin like your all big and bad but uhh news flash NOBODY LIKEESS YOU! 14.54 Lil_V: keekee: WAIT THAT YOUR REAL SITER 14.54 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: u chat sh it 14.54 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: look whoze talkin 14.54 Lil_V: keekee: OR R U PLAYIN AROUND 14.54 Danka: luce_diamo: mais tt l monde parle ca 14.54 Rulon: Naps: No AQUI 14.54 Ty: martin_: Tell me where u live I`ll kill U 14.54 Danka: luce_diamo: oooohhhh d`accord... bisouuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssss 14.54 almighty: Hotlicious: lol i told u, u hoes means nothin to me, if u like me or not, u mean nothin duh 14.54 Lil_V: keekee: KEEKEE R U STILL THERE 14.54 Danka: luce_diamo: si je ne te vois pas FELIZ NAVIDAD 14.55 keekee: Lil_V: yes there my real sisters we have the same momma 14.55 Danka: luce_diamo: et a super ano nuevo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14.55 luce_diamo: out of chat14.55 Lil_V: keekee: I DON`T GET IT 14.55 almighty: Hotlicious: such retard, u come here to cyber becos in real life u hardly get any real dick 14.55 Lil_V: keekee: I MY GOSH 14.55 keekee: Lil_V: yeh but go to private 14.55 Hotlicious: almighty: TOO BAD BECAUSE NOBDY DOES LIKE YOU EVERONE THINKS UR A B!TCH!!! 14.55 Ty: I`m hardly gay....You`re probably some pre pubescent 12 year old girl who has never even fu cked a stick. 14.55 Rulon: FELIZ NAVIDAS,,,, jesus nacio en abril no en diciembre..... feliz navidad 14.55 Hotlicious: almighty: R U KIIDDING 14.55 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: thts wat u think 14.55 Lil_V: keekee: WELL WHY DIDN`T YOU SAY SO I COULD HAVE STOPPED IF YOU SAID SOMETHING 14.55 ley: enter in chat14.55 keekee: Hotlicious: no not everybody 14.55 Hotlicious: almighty: SEE YOUR TALKIN ABOUT YOURSELF AGAINN 14.56 almighty: Hotlicious: WHOOO CAAARESS, i dont care if anyyyy one likeeeddddd meeee, man u all are rubbish,lol 14.56 el_gordo_: out of chat14.56 ley: hey ppl 14.56 DJ_CRAZE: martin_: u fukin wot 14.56 Rulon: You`re probably gay....who has never even fu cked some pre pubescent 12 year old girl 14.56 ley: does any1 wanna chat? 14.56 Danka: heLL_gIRL: it was correct 14.56 almighty: Hotlicious: alrite hold it for a min, why ur writin n caps? are u that tiny tht u want to show how big u are n writin n caps? 14.56 martin_: Ty: child molester 14.56 Naps: bubbles: uuf, well, 1,78 mts and 65 kg, brown eyes and ligh brown hair 14.56 heLL_gIRL: Danka: wat 14.57 heLL_gIRL: almighty: loll 14.57 Lil_V: almighty: I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE INSULTS 14.57 keekee: Lil_V: are you still there 14.57 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: fat bit ch 14.57 Lil_V: heLL_gIRL: I`M SORRY 14.57 Ty: martin_: U are probably speaking from experiance Mr. Jackson. 14.57 heLL_gIRL: Lil_V: get lost shove it up ur ass 14.57 keekee: shane: hey are you there 14.57 almighty: lol fools they fight then they bk off, losers 14.57 DJ_CRAZE: martin_: to u wont ur face rearangeing 14.57 Hotlicious: almighty: RETARD YOU WERE WRITIN IN CAPPS TO 14.57 blondie: enter in chat14.58 almighty: Hotlicious:llol look at u, u are provin it again] 14.58 Ty: Ty: now go fu ck your cousin you inbred fu ck 14.58 Flora_Peri: out of chat14.58 keekee: heLL_gIRL: who the fu ck you talking to bi tch 14.58 heLL_gIRL: keekee:wasnt even talkin to u 14.58 Danka: heLL_gIRL: ur interpretation abt `hell girl parle le espa?` 14.58 ley: does any1 here have myspace? 14.58 martin_: hi iam david i go as little bust and i like guys 14.58 Ty: g2g ***ez 14.58 Hotlicious: almighty: you are a fukin hoe all i see when you type is SH!T 14.58 blondie: rONi: im fine 14.58 keekee: Lil_V: are u there 14.58 heLL_gIRL: Danka: okay 14.59 keekee: heLL_gIRL: i dont give a damn 14.59 heLL_gIRL: Hotlicious: oh do u 14.59 almighty: Hotlicious: come on go get milk an drink it instead of the cum u drink every day, maybe ppl would recognize u after few months instead of usin microscope to look at u 14.59 DJ_CRAZE: martin_: cuz u are 1 fukin gay tosser 14.59 shyguy: enter in chat14.59 heLL_gIRL: keekee: nor do i 14.59 Lil_V: out of chat14.59 Naps: out of chat14.59 keekee: Lil_V: hello 14.59 heLL_gIRL: shame 14.59 el_gordo_: enter in chat14.59 Soki: Si quieres matarme y no tienes punal, dime que no me quieres y sera un golpe mortal. 14.59 shyguy: HEY ALL PPl 14.59 Starlight: enter in chat14.59 keekee: heLL_gIRL: *** i will hurt yo white ass dont *** with me *** 14.59 blondie: rONi: so where u from? 14.59 Hotlicious: almighty: hahaha oh lookk more *** 15.00 ley: Soki: a quien tu le hablas? 15.00 heLL_gIRL: keekee: come on then 15.00 Reem: out of chat15.00 Ty: out of chat15.00 blondie: martin_: i chat with him 15.00 el_gordo_: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.00 almighty: keekee: keekkeee whats ur problem biatch 15.00 Best_Blood: enter in chat15.00 blondie: DJ_CRAZE: hi 15.00 Hotlicious: almighty: your only talkin about me writing in caps locks because u had nothin ellse to say your life is just one big piece of ***! 15.00 keekee: almighty: *** i will hurt yo white ass to damn it 15.00 almighty: Hotlicious: yeh at least i can think of my own come bk, better than cooppyyyin others like u hoe 15.00 heLL_gIRL: keekee: lolll 15.00 jamal: blondie: r u hot 15.01 Hotlicious: almighty: how did i copy whore?? 15.01 Rulon: yeh at least i can think of my own come bk, better than cooppyyyin others like u hoe 15.01 almighty: keekee: oh lol come on then,so i can break ur leg an shove it up ur ass 15.01 Hotlicious: almighty: thats right cause i didnt even copy 15.01 heLL_gIRL: almighty: lolll 15.01 heLL_gIRL: loll 15.01 heLL_gIRL: lolll 15.01 jamal: Rulon: r u hot 15.01 blondie: shyguy: what up? 15.01 almighty: Hotlicious: *yawns* will u plz b worth this fight, ur come bks make me sleeepy 15.02 SnUgLeZz: enter in chat15.02 Hotlicious: almighty: A$$ WIPPEE! 15.02 almighty: heLL_gIRL: ` 15.02 jamal: blondie: u is this 15.02 blondie: rONi: jamal: average cute 15.02 blondie: DJ_CRAZE: fine 15.02 almighty: Hotlicious: nah ur not worth wipin my ass 15.02 martin_: shyguy: ur not tha real shyguy 15.02 heLL_gIRL: almighty: loll 15.02 Rulon: jamal: no man im mild 15.02 blondie: martin_: whys that who is he? 15.02 DJ_CRAZE: blondie: gd gd 15.02 heLL_gIRL: almighty: thts the way u learn good 15.02 almighty: heLL_gIRL: they dono with who they missin with 15.02 jamal: blondie: wat is ur number 15.02 ley: add me ppl 15.02 shyguy: martin_: What? 15.02 almighty: messin* 15.03 Hotlicious: almighty: CAUSE U STILL GET YOUR MOM AND DAD TO DO IT FOR YOU 15.03 Rulon: guys if ur gay rite sick of all da stares n jugmental pr!cks in dis world? 15.03 blondie: rONi: 19 15.03 ley: ad me ppl 15.03 heLL_gIRL: almighty: yehhh 15.03 heLL_gIRL: ohh look caps bak on 15.03 jamal: blondie: give me ur cell number 15.04 Rulon: listen me plz
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