
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2015

cotiza mrda. cotiza

[maczoned] #Repost @jimvalenzuela with @repostapp ・・・ Y así termina mi día de ensayo. 😕


la unica amiga que tengo en este mundo, las demas no existen...

pasajero en tránsito , rgua 5am

infancia, divino tesoro #corramosporlaazotea

jarvix & son #corramosporlaazotea

jacob's ladder II

"...felicitara en el nombre del papa"


""ella no sabe hasta cuanto la he manipulado""

marat 2.0


LOL \o/

la soledad y el espejo turbio de la prima.vera

hace frio en el gulag

infiltrado en campus oriente

#maslow sabe

isi bilbao

tren al sur... ronroco... re .. identidad latina

anestesia raquidea para enfrentar el dia #drogasduras

#Repost @corramosporlaazotea with @repostapp ・・・ @el_pandafuee con soda stereo , 1996 [ video original https://youtu.be/mxIyiSdI28o ] #elrayo #sueñostereo

retomando los ensayos #corramosporlaazotea

german riesco era un maldito hipster #rancagua #uyui #room91 #suitup

ptw se corrompio todo!

canela panela

#Repost @mathiias_alexander_ with @repostapp ・・・ #AsiDeCorta #narcos

#Repost @tamara.pascual with @repostapp ・・・ #AsiDeCorta #Corta

#Repost @kareen259 with @repostapp ・・・ #AsiDeCorta #L4L

#Repost @medicaltalks with @repostapp ・・・ Sleeve gastrectomy! This is the portion of the stomach that was removed during a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, a type of bariatric (surgical weight loss) procedure. About 75% of the stomach was removed by a surgical resection of a large portion of the stomach along the greater curvature, leaving a narrow gastric “tube” or “sleeve”. No intestines are removed or bypassed during the sleeve gastrectomy. The basic principle behind that procedure is that it greatly reduces the size of your stomach and limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. It does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients or bypass your intestines and after eating a small amount of food, you will feel full very quickly and continue to feel full for several hours. Photo credit : @eliaselhaddad

#Repost @dogsofinstagram with @repostapp ・・・ "Some of my best shot of our dogs 😃," writes @pernille_nyg. #dogsofinstagram #dogs #dog

margarita . mu amiga trasandina . viviendo su primer 18 en chile

panela canela

le pondre magic lantern a esto?

le pondre magic lantern a esto?

soy báltico #asidecorta

sin darse (sin caerse)

keep going #chile #chileearthquake

#Repost @ramonllao with @repostapp ・・・ dejendormrmrds

cantor a lo poeta. el huique VI region

niño en marcha eatudiantil. 2011


#Repost @elwerne with @repostapp ・・・ cosplay del amor

sin perderse

ruralidad latente

te echo de menos


poder perruno

acsezo #tag